Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees


If you are unable to view the livestream, the board meeting videos will be uploaded to the board services website following the conclusion of each session.

Click here to view the livestream Combined Shape Created with Sketch.

HCC Trustee Elections Information

Click Here for Trustee Election Information Combined Shape Created with Sketch.

Trustee Statements

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    The Board of Trustees of Houston Community College takes any allegation against the college seriously. We, as one of the most diverse institutions of higher education in the country, are unwavering in our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Our policies and procedures align with this deep and long-held commitment.

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About the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the official governing body of Houston Community College. The Board is composed of nine members who are elected from single-member districts and who serve without remuneration. Board members are elected to staggered six-year terms. The Board has final authority to determine and interpret the policies that govern HCC. As part of their duties, the trustees maintain a full schedule of community service, public appearances, speaking engagements and legislative affairs on behalf of HCC. Board members represent an impressive mix of individual talents and professional backgrounds enabling them to provide governance of the highest quality.

HCC Board of Trustee meetings are livestreamed at this link. Please check the Board meetings schedule for more specifics.

Board Members

Eva Loredo

Eva Loredo

District VIII, Chair

Lalou Davies-Yemitan

Laolu Davies-Yemitan

District IV, Vice Chair

Sean Cheben

Sean Cheben

District V, Secretary

Trustee Monica Flores Richart

Monica Flores Richart

District I

Renee Jefferson Patterson

Renee Jefferson Patterson

District II

Adriana Tamez

Dr. Adriana Tamez

District III

Dave Wilson

District VI

Trustee Cynthia Lenton Gary

Dr. Cynthia Lenton-Gary

District VII

Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth

District IX

A citizen desiring to appear before the Board of Trustees shall complete the application for hearing 24 hours prior to the meeting, and file said application with the Board Services Office.  Time allotted each citizen or organization shall be limited to four minutes. The opportunity for public comments at committee and special meetings is limited to items listed on the meeting agenda.

Request for an appearance at a board meeting Combined Shape Created with Sketch.

Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees are held at 4:00 p.m. on the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month at the System Administrative Building, 3100 Main, 2nd Floor Auditorium, Houston, Texas 77002, unless otherwise announced. Committee and Committee of the Whole meetings will be held on the 1st Wednesday of the month.

Contact Us

Board Services Office

  • General Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
MC 1102 P.O. BOX 667517, Houston, TX 77266-7517