The Makerspace at West Houston Institute
Tool & Equipment Training
READ ME! New trainings will be offered in November 2021 – Complete the new member orientation first!
IDEAStudio members gain access to tools and equipment by completing training sessions taught by our trained staff. Open training sessions are offered each month for current members. Group trainings for classes, student organizations, and departments are also available by reservation.
Introduction to 3D Printing (CMED 1147)
Learn the basics of fused-filament fabrication (FFF) using our Ultimaker and Prusa 3D printers in this one session training workshop. You will learn how to acquire a 3D model, prepare it for printing, set up and run your job, and post process your finished object. Note: You must be a current member of IDEAStudio to complete this training.
Advanced 3D Printing (CMED 1151)
This advanced course builds on the knowledge and skills developed in the introductory training. Members will learn how to acquire and prepare 3D models to print using our Formlabs Form 2 stereolithography (SLA) printers and Markforged Mark Two printer. Note: You must have successfully completed the Introduction to 3D printing training before attending this workshop.
Introduction to Electronics (CMED 1152)
This introductory course provides members with the basics of soldering as well as an overview of our Electronics workstations, available features and tools, and safety guidelines when working with electronics.
Introduction to Laser Cutting (CMED 1148)
Learn how to use the studio's Epilog M2 laser cutters. Training covers the safe use and operation of the laser cutter, preparing images for cutting, and etching or cutting on materials such as wood, acrylic, and textiles. Successful completion grants members access to use the laser cutters during open hours. Note: You must be a current member of IDEAStudio to complete this training.
Introduction to Vinyl Cutting (CMED 1149)
Learn the basics of vinyl cutting using our US Cutter machines. Learn how to prepare a 2D design, choose the right kind of material for the job, and use the vinyl cutter to produce your finished product. Note: You must be a current member of IDEAStudio to complete this training.
Metal Shop Essentials (CMED 1150)
Metalshop Essentials gives you an introduction to IDEAStudio’s metal shop safety, basic tools, and resources that might be applicable to your metalworking project. In this workshop we will go over the safety standards, use, and operation of the following pieces of equipment: Chop Saw, Drill Press, Bench Grinder, Bench Brake, Combination Notcher/Bender/Shear.
Wood Shop Essentials (CMED 1153)
IDEAStudio has a variety of stationary power tools available to members. The training for these tools have been split into several groups based on level of difficulty and popularity. After completing this workshop, you should understand the functionality associated with the following tools: Planer & Jointer, Drill Press, Miter Saw, Band Saw, Scroll Saw, Disc & Belt Sander.
Contact Us
West Houston Institute
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm